Thursday, April 30, 2009


I just finished swiffering and dusting the apartment. My eyes hurt and I can't stop sneezing, but I'm sure that it'll pay off in the long run. I sprayed some disinfectant spray and lit a few candles. Swine flu will not be coming near this house. A stage four pandemic is enough to have me worry slightly about contagions and bacteria. It's not that I'm afraid of catching it, though I recently got rid of my respiratory infection, I just feel like it's necessary to take precautions.
Tal thinks I'm silly for it and so does everyone else, but I don't care! I'm using hand sanitizer all the time and taking vitamin C everyday again. I wish I knew where I put my woman's 1 a day vitamins. I bet they're in one of my purses since for a while I'd take them with me in case I slept over someone's house. Anyway, we're heading up to Orlando for the weekend which should be a lot of fun. I'm excited to stop at Millenia Mall or whatever it's called when we get there since we're not going to have a chance to go to any parks on Friday. Sucks that corn dance is next week, but at least we have this weekend.

I really should stop listening to Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson and Miley Cyrus, but I can't! Bah

Better safe than dead!

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Few Words

I gave up on this post quite fast, there are things I want to say, but I'd rather just say them when we're together. You are just so much more than what I expected in every way. You proved that to me last night.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One more thing

I truly adore Bleu Cheese and celery.

Yummy. Now back to studying and writing!

Oh, one more thing! My Xbox took the plunge and caught the dreaded Red Ring of Death. Thankfully, all is not lost and I'll have a brand new console by the time May really gets rolling. I'm excited to get it back, I miss playing my games.



A good man is hard to find

I like that we've been so honest with each other from the very start, it makes everything else so much easier.
I don't really want to write about things I've been doing here just because I don't want people to know all of my business, but I'm in a good place right now.

Crocasaurs Rock.

Monday, April 20, 2009

In an hour or so

In an hour or so, I will finally be finished with my homework for this semester.
I'm proud to say I will have managed to achieve straight As or if anything one stupid B.
It wasn't incredibly difficult, just time consuming, but I do like the feeling of doing
well in college.

Gotta get to work, can't wait until tomorrow.
I'm going to watch 17 again and play deal or no deal at d&b's until I pass out.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Drinking makes me react strangely to things.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cat Power

Oh I do believe
In all the things you see
What comes is better than what came before

And you'd better come come, come come to me
Better come come, come come to me
Better run, run run, run run to me
Better come

Oh I do believe
In all the things you see
What comes is better than what came before

And you'd better run run, run run to me
Better run, run run, run run to me
Better come, come come, come come to me
You'd better run

Cat Power covers are amazing.

Cracking Knuckles

Woke up at the resort today which was absolutely terrifying, but let's not even go there. I'm almost done with this paper. I don't know why I keep procrastinating instead of just finishing it. I'm thinking about taking a few advils and just climbing into bed until I feel like myself again. I'm nauseous which I guess is what's making this essay writing difficult. I've gone one more page to write, two questions to answer. I'll write more later when my head doesn't feel weird.


I think I need to go to the eye doctor, there's something wrong with my vision. I feel like I'm seeing colors. There's a constant haze over my sight. I can't even explain it!

Monday, April 13, 2009


We did a lot yesterday, which is weird since Sundays are usually reserved for bouts of doing nothing for me. It was time well spent. Woke up coughing todaylike always, drank some orange juice and kept coughing. Fell asleep, woke up again, listened to Hallelujah ten times and then a few more. About to make breakfast and get ready for class.

Things to Do:
1. 6 p. paper for Religious Analysis
2. Presentation for N.A Studies
3. Paper for N.A. Studies
4. Study for Mass Media & Society final
5. Grammar Exam
6. Finish short story for creative writing

That's on my agenda for this week, though numbers 2 and 6 are due tomorrow. Time to get to work! My semester will officially be over on April 24.

I need a job.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I'm at Biscayne right now in the computer lab, class starts in two minutes so I should probably run over there right now. I just wanted to say how grateful I am that I got my wallet back in its entirety. All my cards were in place, even my yaz is still in there! Alright class !

Thanks again!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I like the way you hold me real close when we're about to go to sleep.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I feel sticky

Today was too hot for me. I've really grown accustomed to the amazing weather Miami's been having for the past few months and now that summer is here, sort of, I feel gross. I went to Samurai with Travis and his lady friend, who is my friend too, but since they're dating I feel like it's weird to call her my friend before his girlfriend. I don't know what I'm saying.

I know you're reading this and now I can't think!

Good job!

Let me try again:
As I was playing Resident Evil 5 with Pops today, G-L-O-R-I-A came into my room and asked me if I had just been in the kitchen looking for something to eat. I had not at all. I was in my room, screaming about getting shot at by stupid zombies. So my mom says, "Cuando se encuentras con un fantasma tienes que decir: Fantasma de purgatorio...".

Jamas me acuerdo de lo resto. My memory sucks, regardless, she basically told me an old rhyme that asks the spirits from purgatory what they want. Granted, I was scared so I went into the living room, checked the door (locked), checked the bathroom (no man wearing a wig, wielding a just sharpened, incredibly shiny butcher knife), and then checked the sliding glass door (fucking broken). After I realized the damn lock was broken, I moved one of the couches in front of the door and put a few books on the edge to act as an alarm or something. I'm not really sure. I even feel uncomfortable posting my secret plans on the web just incase...

I guess I'm pretty much done with today.


I'm sticky because I drank too many Sake Sangrias at Samurai and started sweating when Mom decided to talk about spirits.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nice Weekend

I had a nice weekend with my boo. I saw Adventureland on Friday night with him and had a few too many drinks at D&Bs then ended up at BTs. Yesterday, we ended up at Hard Rock only to get back to Miami pretty late. Not really much else to say, I'm pretty tired and watching Anchorman. It's hilarious. I'm pretty sad about not being able to go to Coachella this year, but I hope to go eventually. I'm too lazy to write anymore.

I hope to punch you in the ovary. hahha