Monday, April 6, 2009

I feel sticky

Today was too hot for me. I've really grown accustomed to the amazing weather Miami's been having for the past few months and now that summer is here, sort of, I feel gross. I went to Samurai with Travis and his lady friend, who is my friend too, but since they're dating I feel like it's weird to call her my friend before his girlfriend. I don't know what I'm saying.

I know you're reading this and now I can't think!

Good job!

Let me try again:
As I was playing Resident Evil 5 with Pops today, G-L-O-R-I-A came into my room and asked me if I had just been in the kitchen looking for something to eat. I had not at all. I was in my room, screaming about getting shot at by stupid zombies. So my mom says, "Cuando se encuentras con un fantasma tienes que decir: Fantasma de purgatorio...".

Jamas me acuerdo de lo resto. My memory sucks, regardless, she basically told me an old rhyme that asks the spirits from purgatory what they want. Granted, I was scared so I went into the living room, checked the door (locked), checked the bathroom (no man wearing a wig, wielding a just sharpened, incredibly shiny butcher knife), and then checked the sliding glass door (fucking broken). After I realized the damn lock was broken, I moved one of the couches in front of the door and put a few books on the edge to act as an alarm or something. I'm not really sure. I even feel uncomfortable posting my secret plans on the web just incase...

I guess I'm pretty much done with today.


I'm sticky because I drank too many Sake Sangrias at Samurai and started sweating when Mom decided to talk about spirits.

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