Monday, April 13, 2009


We did a lot yesterday, which is weird since Sundays are usually reserved for bouts of doing nothing for me. It was time well spent. Woke up coughing todaylike always, drank some orange juice and kept coughing. Fell asleep, woke up again, listened to Hallelujah ten times and then a few more. About to make breakfast and get ready for class.

Things to Do:
1. 6 p. paper for Religious Analysis
2. Presentation for N.A Studies
3. Paper for N.A. Studies
4. Study for Mass Media & Society final
5. Grammar Exam
6. Finish short story for creative writing

That's on my agenda for this week, though numbers 2 and 6 are due tomorrow. Time to get to work! My semester will officially be over on April 24.

I need a job.

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