Friday, June 26, 2009

Passive Aggressive

I haven't been home in a few days, so it is nice to be here sitting in bed without a thing to do in the world. I should clean my room or maybe iron my hair down a little bit, but there will be time for that tomorrow. I know that it's Friday and I kind of want to go out, but I realize there's nothing out there for me. I feel like a lot of the people I continually run into are people that are stuck in their ways and are permanently engrossed in stupid shit. How eloquent. Anyway, this isn't really what I wanted to get into. I wanted to say that this past weekend really showed me a lot about myself that I don't relate to at all. I was jealous of something that was unjustified. I was unable to actually speak about what was bothering me until after the fact. I'm glad it was only a temporary lack of control and that it left as quickly as it came.

What happened last night was also a cause for concern to me. I'm aware of what people say or what has been said and it makes me shake my head in disbelief more than anything else. Those who know me, know me and as for those who don't, all they do is create unsubstantiated lies that do nothing more than reflect on the way that people will attempt to feed off any insecurities a person has or any sort of rumor that comes around. It's frustrating, but defending myself against that isn't what's important to me. The only thing that is important to me is what you feel about me. You know me and that's all that matters.

In retrospect, this past weekend was actually nice in many more ways than one. Father's day was enjoyable and even though I thought I was going to faint at Jazz Night I had fun hanging out with Stephanie. Last night was really nice too. I really like my job and the fact that I get to go to fashion shows with the entire crew is great. I think the Valentino one is coming up soon, or it might have already passed. Regardless, once business starts picking up, I'm certain there will be many more events to attend. I haven't really said anything at all about my job, but I do love it. The only thing I hate is waking up before 10 in the morning everyday.

meep :)

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