Monday, May 10, 2010

Santa Margherita Monday

I've tried to begin this post five different ways, each one avoiding the obvious fact that I haven't posted in here in such a long time. Maybe I haven't had anything to say or maybe I've been avoiding all the things I've been needing to say. Either way, here I am. I've been working out a lot and really trying to get into tip top shape, yet again here I am with an empty, oversized wine glass on one side of my laptop and a half empty bottle on the other.
I plugged in my old iPod and hit shuffle. It's always such a surprise to hear something I used to love but no longer have a taste for easing its way from the speakers and into my ears. I can't help but tap my foot although the affection is different. I guess the same can be said for people. There's always going to be a sense of attachment and affection towards some but the luster fades, just like with the discovery of a new novel band or artist. At first, the adoration is strong and blinding but eventually the song gets old, worn, weathered and is no longer what it once was. You let the song fade into the back of a playlist and occasionally, casually give it a listen for the fuck of it but by then all it is, is part of a memory.